'Check out our merch here -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr39rimir8y3p-q1iQYidVA/store --~-- Throwing a Burger Bash this weekend? The Classic Old Fashioned is a fantastic cocktail to pair with Burgers! In this video, our Blackstone Bartender, CJ Frazier, will show you how to take your flavor game to the next level with a super delicious recipe for a Smoked Old Fashioned. The Western Wood Apple Wood Chips add a dynamic flavor that you are gonna love! Be sure to check out WesternWood Chips Here: http://www.westernbbqproducts.com #Blackstonegriddle #Blackstone #Griddlerecipes
Tags: camping , Easy recipe , easy cooking , simple recipe , grill , cocktail recipe , Outdoor Cooking , old fashioned , smoke , grilling , Blackstone griddle , simple cooking , camp cooking , griddle , flat top , Blackstone , backyard cooking , how to make an old fashioned , Apple Wood , griddle recipe , camping recipe , Flat top cooking , Backyard chef , smoked cocktails , smoked old fashioned , bartender trick , backyard bartender , westernwood chips , apple wood smoke , bbq cocktail
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